What are GateHub’s XRP Ledger Tools?

In addition to a XRP Ledger wallet client, GateHub also runs some cool XRP Ledger tools.


Anybody interested in current markets can see price charts for most common markets, market detail view with customizable candlestick chart, market depth chart, order book, and last trades.


Here you will find GateHub Network Statistics, Trade Volume, Payment Volume, Capitalization, Volume & Capitalization per currency supported by GateHub.


Visualized real-time XRP ledger activity. This page displays all transaction types (payments, offers, trusts) that happen in the determined ledger index also known as the ledger ‘s sequence number.

Ripple explorer

If you need detailed information about XRP Ledger transactions, addresses…GateHub XRP Ledger explorer is the tool for you. Discover how many transactions have occurred and how many trusted lines and open orders are currently enabled or disabled. Also, see when the wallet was activated and with how many XRP was it activated plus the current state of XRP in the wallet. You can also find your wallet history which can be downloaded for personal use.